Oxford Path Core Pack
Divided into three phases, namely “Get Ready to Read”, “Learn to Read” and “Read to Learn”, the system incorporates 2,000 high-frequency English words included in the Oxford Essential Dictionary and common sentence structures through stories. Using the spiral learning approach, this system guides children step-by-step through the joyful learning process and helps them revisit what they have learnt.
1. The stories start from everyday scenarios and also cover social and global issues
2. The stories incorporate positive values, and nurture good virtues and inner strength
3. Phonics learning resources enhance reading, word recognition and spelling skills
4. Diversified learning materials stimulate multi-sensory learning
5. The system can be complemented when used together with the Oxford Path Maths Adventure series
Highlights of Learning Tools
「童謠唱遊冊」共有 36 首家傳戶曉的英語童謠,孩子可以一邊看生動有趣的插圖,一邊誦讀或唱出童謠,從中吸收大量的新詞彙,了解英語世界的文化。
「童謠唱遊雷射唱片」收錄 36 首英語童謠,備有朗讀、歌曲及純音樂版本,讓孩子聽歌學英語。
「語音學習活動冊」介紹 37 個重要的英語尾韻 (Rhyme families)、24 個輔音 (Consonants) 和 5 個元音 (Basic vowels),加強孩子的音韻覺識能力 (Phonological awareness),然後讓孩子學習把字母的單音拼湊成簡單的音節。活動冊更提供不同程度的拼讀遊戲和練習,多方面提升孩子掌握語音的能力。
「互動戲劇手冊」精選 8 個有趣的故事改編成劇本,配合手偶、手指偶、Cheecumoka 舞台及書中提及的特別聲效,讓孩子演繹精彩的故事,在不同情境中訓練口語能力。孩子透過角色扮演,自然地抒發所想所感,掌握表達英語的能力。
A recent impact study demonstrates that parents / caregivers were generally positive towards Oxford Path (Core Pack). 150 parents of children who used Oxford Path (Core Pack) were invited to participate. 90% of the participants found communication / interaction of English at home improved significantly.